Help Me Go Bald! I’m Making a BALD Statement Against Cancer!

Official training for IMLP commences this coming Monday. Wow, how time flies! Unfortunately, I am no where near where I expected to be physically heading into training. I was registered for The Donna Marathon which took place this past Sunday and would take 1-2 weeks off to rest and then jump into Ironman training.


Well, I’ve been sidelined with achilles/feet issues for several months which has resulted in weigh gain, muscle and aerobic loss. Basically, I’m not feeling real superb heading into this.

I do have confidence in my past fitness levels though as I tend to reach distances, aerobically at least, fairly quickly. This Ironman is not about speed but about controlling what my mind produces internally on my personal soundtrack.

With that being said, I am taking control over my fundraising efforts for the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation. Since this past August, I have managed to raise $3200, $1800 shy of my minimum of $5,000. You Can Donate Here

Last night through Facebook, I announced something a little crazy and daring. Should my fundraising reach $7,000 I will shave my head! I am Making A BOLD BALD Statement Against Cancer!

Bald-full logo

This effort will hopefully be fun for others to get behind and support as a lot of guys are willing to shave their heads but needless to say not many females! I hope you will help me spread the word to others so we can bring attention to a lesser known type of cancer. Read my post about Tom Brokaw and his diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma.

There is a Facebook page to follow along and share with others. You can also check out my fundraising website Miles For Myeloma. Thanks for helping me go bald!



Putting the Pieces Together

I haven’t posted a blog post about training or anything related to it for quite some time, basically because there hasn’t been much or any training other than a trail ride here or there. I have been to a doctor twice now to attend to my achilles/plantar issues and seems to be really helping (knock on wood) but since I don’t have a race in the immediate future, I am not allowed to run. This is so I can properly heal things and work on biomechanics.

I found out that I was not engaging my glutes, that they were being bypassed and supported fully by my hamstrings. I also found out that my plantar issues probably have nothing to do with my arch being flat on my left foot and the 1/2″ leg length discrepancy as its been that way since I was 13 years old and broke my femur. Having worn a lift in my left shoe for the past several months hasn’t helped and has actually probably made things worse.

First swim of Ironman Lake Placid Training-From yesterday

First swim of Ironman Lake Placid Training-From yesterday

Now I’m focusing on rebuilding my arch, strengthening my toes and firing my glutes. I have been attending various yoga classes and have really enjoyed going to them. I wen to hot yoga Tuesday which helped clear out some lingering soreness but man was I sore the next day! But it was in a completely, “oh thats a good sore” feeling.

Ironman Lake Placid is 156 days away with Ironman Raleigh 70.3 exactly 100 days away. I can’t believe that but my official training with my coach kicks off March 3. Its time to really get back into gear, start eating better, getting to bed earlier and becoming reacquainted with my tri bike and the pool.

In the midst of all of this health stuff, I am in the process of closing down my physical retail store so I can focus on sport event management opportunities. Its been tough owning a retail store but I have learn a lot in the process that I know will only benefit me in the future.


Later today I am traveling to the panhandle to attend a 2 day conference so I can receive my USA Triathlon Race Director Certificate. I’m excited about this conference as there are only 20 of us and we are all tri-geeks talking about events!

I know by attending this conference, my fires for triathlon will be stoked which should really help propel me into my training. I’ve got a one-on-one coach for the first time who lives just 40 minutes south of me and who is also doing Ironman Raleigh 70.3 so I’m excited to see how he pushes and challenges me this season. I know its going to be tough but I’m looking forward to the challenge and getting back into race shape.

Sorry for such a rambling post but its kind of how life has been recently, just a bunch of little pieces here and there getting put together. I will be blogging much more often as training starts and I get more familiar with my new Wahoo Fitness Kickr! For now, I bid a do.


Tom Brokaw Diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. How You Can Get Involved to Kick Cancer’s Ass!

Since August 2013, I have been fundraising for the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation in memory of my grandfather, who passed away at an early age to this blood cell cancer of the bone. During this month, Tom Brokaw was diagnosed with this little known cancer and has been undergoing treatment while still continuing to work on projects for CNN.

Tom Brokaw

Dr. Sanjay Gupta was interviewed by Anderson Cooper to discuss multiple myeloma and what it means. Watch the interview by clicking here. 

So far I have managed to raise $3,050 and will begin training for my Ironman on March 3 (right around the corner!). My goal is to raise $5,000 so I’m just $2,000 shy. I encourage you to think about donating any amount you can as literally ever dollar matters. I also encourage you to learn more about multiple myeloma and to share this with your friends and family.


The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation is a wonderful organization that provides research and constantly seeks to find a cure for this cancer as well as bring new treatment methods to market. Click here to learn more about the MMRF. 

Thanks for reading and I wish the very best wishes to Tom and everyone else dealing with this cancer.

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