The Apocalypse is Coming….

Or maybe it really isn’t but either way, the men and women who competed in today’s Apocalypse event at CrossFit Hard Nox in St. Augustine proved they could survive just about anything thrown their way. I showed up for a couple of hours to check out my first CrossFit event and see the members of CF Total Control knock out some snatches, clean and jerks, and 3 WOD workouts, yes, all in one day. 

I’m tired just thinking about all the things they accomplished today and yet I was only a spectator. There were three rounds of snatches, three rounds of clean and jerks, an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of wall balls and double unders in 6 minutes followed by ring dips (like in the Olympics where the gymnasts fly around on the rings) and pulls ups all followed by a “surprise” WOD. 


It was great being there and seeing everything in action. I’m sure I’ll be signing up for a competition soon! 

After the competition I headed south a little further to go to the outlet center which I had already planned on doing today despite the tax holiday this weekend. I was greeted with a very long line of cars on I-95 South headed to the same place. There were people everywhere, looking to save the 7% sales tax. I scored a pair of Nike sneakers at $40 to use for CrossFit so I have more stability and don’t wear out my Sauconys which I will now be able to save just for running.

Speaking of running, I ran 4.6 miles last night after work in about 90 degree weather with around 75% humidity. I only stopped to adjust my shoe once and kept a steady pace the whole time which is much better than my run last week where I had to walk about 3 times for 5 miles. Yesterday morning I met up with some other swimmers for an ocean swim in Atlantic Beach. The air was nice and the sun was not totally up yet when we entered the water. We swam with the current for 30 minutes equaling about 1500 yards. We took a couple of breaks to make sure the group stayed together and to laugh when a rogue wave caught us off guard and made us tumble some. I felt really good on the swim which has not happened in a very long time and I was actually the lead swimmer for the group (I think this is a first!). I partially attribute this to CrossFit and better health but also to the ocean’s abundant supply of salt which makes me so buoyant! My hips stay where they are supposed and I don’t feel like I’m dragging my lower body around. I’m ready for my next ocean swim! 

Tomorrow is open gym at the box so I’ll be going to that to either do a WOD or work on skills like double unders or pull ups. I’m hoping to get a bike ride or ocean swim in before that and before the bad weather comes again like it did this afternoon. 

Finally, I DVD’red the women’s olympic triathlon race and boy was it exciting! It came down to a sprint and photo finish where the finish had to be closely examined (Spirig of Switzerland won). Those women are awesome competitors even when 7 of them fell coming around a certain corner and hopped right back on their bikes despite huge strawberries and road rash on their skin. I’m looking forward to the men’s race and hopefully seeing an American medal there as Sarah Groff placed 4th in a hard fought race today. 



Thats all for now. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

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